Channel - Food goes Omnichannel
How will the Direct2Consumer segment develop in the future? At DMEXCO 2022, the reasons behind the start-ups in our third panel will present exciting cases from the food sector.
Nomoo: Laura Strube

Laura Strube is the Chief Marketing Officer for NOMOO, a vegan, organic ice cream brand from Cologne. In her current role she is responsible for NOMOO’s marketing and brand strategy and implementation. She has more than 8 years of marketing experience both for national and international consumer goods brands. Being an expert for retail marketing and developing start-up brands, she extends her passion for omnichannel marketing into e-commerce. Among others, she was the Marketing Director for share, the social impact company, launching hundreds of new products in different categories at major retailers in the DACH region. Laura is a graduate in Marketing of Cologne University and Brighton University.
Blue Farm : Katia Pott

Katia Pott is founder of Blue Farm, a company that produces innovative plant-based milk products. Prior to Blue Farm she held several leading positions in start-ups.
Kraftling: Friedrich Kalthoff

Begeistert von Geschäftsmodellen, wissbegierig und heiß darauf, ein Unternehmen aufzubauen, das Menschen mit einem aktiven Lebensstil unterstützt, sammelte Friedrich Kalthoff 2014 seine ersten Start-Up Erfahrungen in Indonesien. Danach schloss er sich dem Investor, einem Risikokapitalfonds in Zürich, an, um den Markt und die Perspektive der Investoren besser zu verstehen. Seinen Co-Founder lernte er während seines Management-Studiums an der London School of Economics in London kennen. Beide beendeten ihre eher typische Managementkarriere, indem sie für McKinsey und als Business Manager des CEOs in der Finanzdienstleistungsbranche arbeiteten. Im Alter von 28 Jahren beschlossen sie, ein Unternehmen zu gründen: Sie waren der Meinung, dass die meisten Verbraucher kein Vertrauen in die Qualität und die Inhaltsstoffe der meisten Produkte haben, und beschlossen daher, moderne Technologie und hochwertige Inhaltsstoffe zu nutzen, um Qualität und Frische in die Regale der Lebensmittelgeschäfte zurückzubringen, und begannen in einer Nische: kaltgepresste Ingwer-Shots.
Moderator: Fabio Ziemssen

As a partner of ZINTINUS GmbH, a Food Growth Fund, Fabio Ziemßen is responsible for financing and supporting startups in the field of Alternative Protein Sources, Clean Nutrition, Functional Food and Foodwaste Reduction. As chairman of Balpro e.V., Fabio Ziemßen is committed to networking, dialogue and shaping in the segment of Alternative Protein Sources. The federal association was founded in 2019 and counts over 120 players from startups to established companies and venture capital entities. Since 2017, he is co-founder of the coworking space Super7000 GmbH in Düsseldorf and founder of the platform #Foodnext. In 2019, he was voted "Top40under40" by Capital magazine. At the beginning of 2020, he was awarded the title "Young Global Leader" by the World Economic Forum.